"Seeing and Feeling the 1990s: Maruch Sántiz Gómez and Xunka' López Díaz" in Women Photographers and Mexican Modernity: Framing the Twentieth Century, Brown, Julia R., Radmila Stefkova and Tamara R. Williams, eds. Routledge, February 2024.
Articles and Chapters
"Chiapas Cycle Blues: Rosario Castellanos’ Fictional Prose as Affective Mapping.’’ Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies, vol 26, 2022, pp 57-80.
García Blizzard, Mónica. The White Indians of Mexican Cinema. SUNY UP, 2022. Mexican Studies/Estudios Mexicanos. Fall 2023.
“UnReading: New Approaches to Recorded Indigenous Knowledges Across Abiayala.” Chasqui, vol 49, no 1, 2020.
Review. Tompkins, Cynthia Margarita. Affectual Erasure: Representations of Indigenous Peoples in Argentine Cinema. SUNY Press, 2018. Revista de Estudios Hispánicos, vol 54, no 1, 2020.
“Frontera verde/Green Frontier (2019): Amazonia from Social Media to Netflix.” Mediático. 2019.